Mike Nagy is a rock star.

Mike Nagy is a rock star. Sure he might not wear leather pants, maybe he does but I haven't seen him in them, but he's a rock star nonetheless. Mike exudes a quiet confidence that is infectious to those around him and know what true leadership is. As a result there is a massive amount of support for him in Guelph. Someone once said that you can always judge a leader not by their words but by the number of people standing with them. In Mike's case, his leadership ability is clear from the moment you step into his office. Frankly, the talent that has been assembled in Guelph, much of it local, is stunning.

I just got back from Guelph yesterday out canvassing and I can honestly say that I have never seen such a well run campaign with so many energized volunteers as Guelph. Even this far out from E-day, the office was abuzz with activity. People at the door confirmed that Mike Nagy is definitely in the running to win a seat in Guelph. I'd highly encourage everyone to spend as much time as possible helping Mike.

If there is a general election called soon, working in Guelph is a great way to train your canvassers. If there isn't, getting Mike Nagy elected will finally shatter the myth that Greens aren't electable and WILL get Elizabeth included in the Leader's debate.

Also, let's all do our best to head to Guelph when Elizabeth is there to demonstrate to her, and ourselves, that the Party is ready to go and ready to fight hard in the general election.

Mike Nagy, the rock star, is truly at the pointy end of the Green Party today and it's because people are ready to work hard for a Green MP.

Thank you everyone who has been dedicating so much time to Mike's campaign, you are an inspiration!

Jeff Brownridge
Veteran of 2 federal elections, 4 by-elections, 1 provincial election and 1 leadership race with the Green Party.

Perpetual Electoral Machine

Quite right, Jeff. The positive energy here is feeding an incredible amount of resilience, vibrancy, and capacity among the team members. Not one of us has ever worked on a Green Party of Canada campaign with as much proven potential early on (because there has never been one). At two weeks to go, we were in a position only acheived with two *days* to go within other first class GPC campaigns. The reality that a victory is entirely and reasonably doable is envigorating - and good thing; there's a lot of work to do. It's the kind of "good tired" you feel after a day of canoeing. Useful, energised, busy, and ready to do it all over again tomorrow!

Many hands make light work - all hands on deck - come one come all - insert cliche volunteer request here!!!

See you soon.

Jason Hammond
GOTV Coordinator, Mike Nagy Campaign
(519) 820-6899 | mikenagy.ca
Male Co-Chair, Young Greens of Canada

Great work Guelph, you're way ahead of the curve.


You're so correct Jeff.

Mike is really doing an excellent job and people are paying attention, whether or not they ever thought to vote Green before.
Going door-to-door, there was a lot of support for Mike, lots of people saying they were making up their mind, and most people I spoke to were either voting Green or sympathetic.
We have to transfer those last undecided votes and push it over the top in Guelph. Do whatever you can to help!

Darcy Higgins
Guelph volunteer and long-time Green

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